Themes of Blood Brothers
- Created by: Jaspalsk
- Created on: 15-03-17 17:57
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- Blood brothers, Themes and Quotes
- Class
- The Johnstone's way of life compared to the Lyons way of life: any line from my child
- The set draws attention to class divide: 'My mummy doesn't allow me to play down here actually'
- How class upbringing affects the boys over time:'While no one was lookin' I grew up. And you didn't because you didn't need to.
- Different attitudes and expectations as a result of class- Narrator+ song 'Could it be what we, the English, have come to know class.
- Motherhood
- Mrs Johnstone; 'I love the bones of everyone of them
- Mrs Lyons:'I took him. But I never made him mine'
- Songs are connected to the theme and the Narrator's comments 'And that other child of mine, I haven't seen for years, although each day I pray he'll be okay.'
- The boys relationship''s with the mothers:' She's fabulous your ma, isn't she? or 'I've explained, it's a secret. I can't tell you.' 'But...but I'm your Mother
- Childhood
- The games played by the children 'The whole thing's just a game
- The twins as children:'d'you want to be me blood brother Eddie?'
- Adolescence- the role of the Narrator in showing time passing:'If only the three of them could stay like that forever'
- The contrast between childhood and adulthood:'While no was lookin' I grew up. And you didn't have to because you didn't need to.
- Nature vs Nurture
- The connection between the twins as boys: 'You say smashing things don't you?
- The differences in upbringing between the boys: ' it sounds dead funny swearin' in that posh voice'
- The idea of a twin: 'I will always defend me brother, and stand by him'
- The differences between the twins as men: 'Why didn't you give me away! ... I could of been him!
- Superstition
- Superstition linked to working class ideas: 'You never put new shoes on the table'
- Mrs Lyons' manipulates Mrs Johnstone's superstition: 'You must swear on the Bible'
- Mrs Lyons succumbs to superstition herself: '(she rushes at the table and sweeps the shoes off)'
- The Narrator in drawing attention to superstitious portents: 'Someone broke the looking glass'
- Class
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