- Created by: Poppy Rogers
- Created on: 20-01-14 14:13
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- Birdsong
- Settings
- back drop events
- first setting is the Azaires house- shows the underlying issues
- foreshadowing
- family boat trip focuses on life in the trenches. allows you to feel emotion
- connect emotions
- red room-passion, lust, love
- back drop events
- foreshadowing
- "banks were secured with wooden plank revetting"
- "scurrying of rats where the earth had been dug up out of the trenches"
- "decompose into specks of friable soil"
- stephens visit to the cathedral
- significant amount of death 'garves row on row" irony
- time
- build up of tension- battle of the somme
- narrative gaps
- characters and relationships
- sex scenes between isabelle and stephen
- 1st: stephen-> isabelle view point- more emotion, finds herself
- 1st: "she felt connections forged between rage and desire and a particular attentive recognition of herself'
- 2nd: stephens pov-less intimate more lust. isabelle treats him like a boy. Isa initiator
- Isabelle and Azaire: submissive, predation, 'business like'
- sex scenes between isabelle and stephen
- symbolism
- birds- continued presence of nature despite disputes
- red- red room, period, baby- significant parts of the novel
- 'flesh and blood' - war, birth
- Settings
- Opening
- Birdsong
- Settings
- back drop events
- first setting is the Azaires house- shows the underlying issues
- foreshadowing
- family boat trip focuses on life in the trenches. allows you to feel emotion
- connect emotions
- red room-passion, lust, love
- back drop events
- foreshadowing
- "banks were secured with wooden plank revetting"
- "scurrying of rats where the earth had been dug up out of the trenches"
- "decompose into specks of friable soil"
- stephens visit to the cathedral
- significant amount of death 'garves row on row" irony
- time
- build up of tension- battle of the somme
- narrative gaps
- characters and relationships
- sex scenes between isabelle and stephen
- 1st: stephen-> isabelle view point- more emotion, finds herself
- 1st: "she felt connections forged between rage and desire and a particular attentive recognition of herself'
- 2nd: stephens pov-less intimate more lust. isabelle treats him like a boy. Isa initiator
- Isabelle and Azaire: submissive, predation, 'business like'
- sex scenes between isabelle and stephen
- symbolism
- birds- continued presence of nature despite disputes
- red- red room, period, baby- significant parts of the novel
- 'flesh and blood' - war, birth
- Settings
- "slate roof plunged in conflicting angles"
- conflicting emotions, secrets etc
- "the formidable front door with iron facings on timber"
- not welcoming like a house should be. secretive. not open to public.
- "startled by the sound of his steps on the stair case"
- empty, no emotion, secrets
- Birdsong
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