Biology ISA on diffusion
- Created by: Mariya_99
- Created on: 17-11-13 15:15
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- Biology ISA Diffusion
- Living things and Diffusion
- Gaseous Exchange: when oxygen diffuses from alveoli into the blood
- Intestines to Blood
- Risk Assesment
- Acid is corrosive so wear goggles and gloves
- Test tubes are fragile and may shatter so clean up any messes if they break
- Fair Test
- Repeat the experiment for each concentration 3 times and take an average result
- Use same amount of acid
- All soloutions will be at room temperature
- Living things and Diffusion
- Hypothesis: The greater the concentration of acid the faster the rate of diffusion
- Biology ISA Diffusion
- Living things and Diffusion
- Gaseous Exchange: when oxygen diffuses from alveoli into the blood
- Intestines to Blood
- Risk Assesment
- Acid is corrosive so wear goggles and gloves
- Test tubes are fragile and may shatter so clean up any messes if they break
- Fair Test
- Repeat the experiment for each concentration 3 times and take an average result
- Use same amount of acid
- All soloutions will be at room temperature
- Living things and Diffusion
- Biology ISA Diffusion
- Explanation: Particles move from an area of high concentraion to an area of low concentration "down a concentration gradient. So the higher the concentration the larger the gradient do therefore the greater the rate of diffusion
- Factors Effecting Diffusion
- Temperature: more heat means the particles hav more kinetic energy
- Liquid or Gas: liquid diffuses faster than gases
- Concentration: high concentration means there are more particles so the rate of reaction increases
- Factors Effecting Diffusion
- Temperature: more heat means the particles hav more kinetic energy
- Liquid or Gas: liquid diffuses faster than gases
- Factors Effecting Diffusion
- Use the same size agar jelly
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