- Created by: Lori Heather
- Created on: 17-01-13 17:28
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- Cells
- Nucleus contains DNA and controls activities of the cell
- Bacteria cell have DNA instead of nucleus
- Chloroplasts contain light energy and make food for plant
- Cell wall made of cellulose to strengthen cell
- Most energy is released from mitochondria for respiration
- Nucleus contains DNA and controls activities of the cell
- Diffusion
- Random Movement of particles
- From Area of low concentration to high concentration
- Rate of Diffusion is faster in bigger concentration gradient
- Specialised Cells
- Red Blood Cells - transport oxygen around the body
- Big surface area to absorb oxygen
- Concave Shape and no nucleus so more room for haemoglobin
- Sperm
- Long tail and Large food reserve
- egg
- Carry enzymes, lots of mitochondria
- Red Blood Cells - transport oxygen around the body
- Cell Organisation
- Glandular tissue produces enzymes
- Inside of gut covered by epidermal tissue
- Liver produces Bile
- Epithelial cell, epithelial tissue, human, digestive system and stomach
- Plant Structure and Photosynthesis
- Carbon Dioxide +water= Oxygen and Glucose
- Plant organs - stem, root and leaves
- Mesophyll tissue - photosynthesis occurs
- Xylem +Phloem transports water and min ions surcose
- Epidermal Tissue - covers whole plant
- The Rate of Photosynthesis
- 3 factors limiting rate= temp, light, co2
- Limiting factor = something is too slow
- enviromentalconditions, greenhousesand seasons
- too much co2 in greenhouse is too expensive
- How plants use Glucose
- make glusoce in leaves, some used for repiration
- releases energy and alows plant to convert glucose
- helps build new cells, glucose converted to cellulose to build cell walls
- seeds store glucose in lipids e.g cooking oil and margarine
- Distribution of organisms
- Habitat = where an organism lives
- 3 environmental factors - temp, amount of nutrients and light
- Quadrat = square frame enclosing known area
- Place them randomly
- Cells