Biological Approach - summary
- Created by: georgiasadler
- Created on: 01-05-14 17:16
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- Methodology
- Twin studies
- Adoption studies
- Brain scanning
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
- PET (positron emission tomography)
- Laboratory experiments
- Animal studies
- Lesion
- Looking at which part of brain causes behaviour in animals
- Lesion
- Content
- Central nervous system and human behaviour
- Neurotransmitters
- Neurons
- Synapses
- Dendrite
- Genes and human behaviour
- Protein synthesis
- Chromosomes
- 23 each parent
- Nature-nurture debate
- Role of biological factors in gender development
- ** chromosome = female
- XY chromosome = male
- SRY gene
- Testis-determining factor
- SRY gene
- Gonads
- Hormones
- H-Y antigen
- Anti-Mullerian hormone
- Testosterone
- Oestrogen
- Brain lateralisation
- Which hemisphere of the brain is involved in different activities
- Differences between male and females
- Evaluating biological influences on gender development
- Animal research
- Hermaphrodites
- Problems with hormones
- Social learning theory
- Combination of biology and environment
- Central nervous system and human behaviour
- Studies in detail
- Dr Money - David Reimer - Albatio Penis - 1975
- Raine et al. 1997
- Key issue
- Are transgender operations ethical?
- Methodology
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