Bio explanations to sz: genetics
- Created by: emmarhianne
- Created on: 14-03-17 12:15
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- Biological explanations to Schizophrenia- Genetics
- Runs in families, the risk for developing sz is higher for those who have a biological relative with it: suggest sz is heredity meaning genetic factors maybe important
- Gottesman conducted a large scale family study that showed if you have a parent with sz then you have a 13% risk of developing the disorder, and 1% risk for the general population
- Some degree genetics play a role in the onset of sz
- Gottesman conducted a large scale family study that showed if you have a parent with sz then you have a 13% risk of developing the disorder, and 1% risk for the general population
- Untitled
- Considerable support for the role of genetics come from twin studies. A study by JOSEPH conducted a meta-analysis of all sz twin studies before 2001. Findings showed MZ:40.4% - DZ:7.4%
- Supports the assumption that genetics play a role as MZ share all genes and are at greater risk
- Such studies work on the assumption that DZ and MZ share the same environment, but MZs get treated more similarly because they look alike and are more likely to have an identity crisis. Therefore this challenges the evidence as support for the role of genes. As differing concordance rates may be due to different environments
- Supports the assumption that genetics play a role as MZ share all genes and are at greater risk
- More convincing evidence comes from adoption studies. A longitudinal study conducted by Tienari et al studied 164 adoptees who had a bio mum with sz had a risk od 6.7% and 197 adoptees with no bio mum and found a risk of 2%
- This therefore supports the role of genes in the onset of sz, implying genes increase the risk
- Wahlberg et al re-analysed the data and found it was 5.4% vs 1.6%, showing less support for genetic factors as an explanation to sz.
- Longitudinal: diagnosing criteria may have changed. Older versions of DSM: unreliable - rates reported may not reflect a correct diagnosis; weakening evidence as support
- Wahlberg et al re-analysed the data and found it was 5.4% vs 1.6%, showing less support for genetic factors as an explanation to sz.
- This therefore supports the role of genes in the onset of sz, implying genes increase the risk
- Evidence is not conclusive, in twin studies the concordance for MZ is not 100% and w% adoptees without a bio mum had a higher risk than the population. Would suggest that there are other factors playing a role; combination of genetics and environment.
- Diathesis-stress model suggests an individual has a genetic vulnerability but only develops it if triggered by something in the environment dysfunctional family relationships.
- The precise location of the specific gene that are linked to sz have not been found. RIPKE ET AL analysed the genetic make up of 37,000 patients and found 108 genetic variations. Therefore it is difficult to establish the precise mechanism of genetic transmission: weakens.
- Runs in families, the risk for developing sz is higher for those who have a biological relative with it: suggest sz is heredity meaning genetic factors maybe important
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