biological approach to addictive behaviour
- Created by: athinaP
- Created on: 12-05-16 19:33
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- biological approach in explaining addictive behaviour
- initiation
- genetic predisposition, genes involved is the A1 variant of the DRD2 gene
- involved in the regulation of dopamine levels. this gene may increase sensitivity to action of dopamine
- SLC6A3-9 may also be involved.
- genetic predisposition, genes involved is the A1 variant of the DRD2 gene
- maintenance
- meso-limbic dopamine system involved in maintenance of addiction.
- normally cells produce small amounts of dopamine but addictive substances increase dopamine levels in the synapse
- addicts continue because in order to feel the same highs they need to maintain increased levels of dopamine
- falling levels of dopamine leads to withdrawal symptoms
- meso-limbic dopamine system involved in maintenance of addiction.
- relapse
- substances such as nicotine activate dopamine reward pathway and (neuroadaptation)
- when substance is discontinued the adaptation is no longer needed and is experienced as withdrawal symptoms which are relieved by re-using the substance
- substances such as nicotine activate dopamine reward pathway and (neuroadaptation)
- evaluation
- advantages
- has lead to affective treatments eg nicotine replacement therapy for smoking
- disadvantages
- does not explain initiation as well as behavioural and cognitive approaches
- if causes of addiction are due to genetics, addicts don't take responsibility for their addiction + treatment is less likely to be successful
- bio-psychological model
- involves an interaction of factors
- biological vulnerability through brains reward system
- family/peer attitudes that support addictive behaviour
- high levels of impulse/ cognitive distortions
- involves an interaction of factors
- advantages
- initiation
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