Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
- Created by: laurenperry2000
- Created on: 19-01-17 12:30
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- Berlioz- Symphonie Fantastique
- Instrumentation
- Orpheclade- Bassoon thing
- 4 Bassons
- 2 Harps.
- Structure
- Sonata Form
- Harmony
- Chromaticism.
- Romantic Harmony- expressive
- About
- Composed aged 27.
- Harriet Smithson - Married.
- Inspired by Hamlet.
- Personal Content
- 1830.
- Programmatic Music.
- Melody
- Idée Fixe voles.
- Texture
- Influencers and wider listening.
- Beethoven 6 Pastoral Symphony.
- Hyden
- Paul Ducas
- Vaughan Williams
- Wagner
- Instrumentation
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