Berlin Blockade (1948)
- Created by: Yzyl Quintana
- Created on: 05-02-17 20:42
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- Berlin Blockade (1948)
- Outcome for Truman
- Airlifts gained wide public sympathy & boosted morale
- NATO formed: need for more of a coordinated approach to prepare for Soviet aggression
- Direct challenge to the SU
- Yalta & Potsdam background
- Division of Germany into 4 zones
- Outcome for Stalin
- Blockade lifted
- Defeated
- East Germany - GDR
- Political embarrassment to the SU
- Stalin's concerns
- East Germany's living conditions low
- West Germany establishing its own state?
- Stalin's reaction
- Cut all road, rail and canal links with West Berlin
- 'Allied' reaction
- Organised an airlift of supplies into Berlin
- Allies issued a new currency
- THREAT to Soviet security
- West Germany establishing its own state?
- THREAT to Soviet security
- Formation of Trizonia
- Stalin thought this was against the Yalta agreement
- Allies were reuniting Germany?
- Increased tension in CW
- GDR another communist state
- Germany permanently divided
- Outcome for Truman
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