Benjamin Disraeli mindmap
- Created by: E221
- Created on: 07-04-23 11:45
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- Benjamin Disraeli
- From an Italian Jewish family
- Brought up as an anglican
- Entered parliament in 1837 as Tory MP
- Helped to bring down Peel over repeal of Corn Laws in 1846
- Chancellor and quasi-leader in House of Commons under Derby
- Elected by Derby as his successor after he was forced to resign due to ill-health
- Jenkins --> leadership was an 'unavoidable necessity in the absence of any viable alternative candidate'
- Realised that he needed to introduce new policies to gain the support of the electorate
- Persuaded Conservatives that protectionism was no good when it was clear that Whig's policy was free trade had raised living standards
- Spoke about need for social reform without committing himself to any details
- Reorganised party after 1868 defeat
- Social reform
- 1875 Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act
- Reversed 1871 Criminal Law Amendment Act
- Legalised peaceful picketing
- Encouraged trade union growth
- Altered conspiracy laws
- Group could not be prosecuted for doing what would be legal if done by an individual
- Reversed 1871 Criminal Law Amendment Act
- 1876 Sandon's Education Act
- Set up attendance committees but did not make attendance compulsory
- Children could not get a job unless they provided attendance or attainment certificate
- 1875 Artisans' Dwelling Act
- Gave local authorities power to purchase, clear and redevelop slums
- Lacked compulsory purchase order
- Many towns and cities ignored it
- Implemented in Birmingham under leadership of Chamberlain
- Many towns and cities ignored it
- 1875 Public Health Act
- Consolidation
- Remained in place for 60 years
- Min standards for drainage, sewage disposal and refuse, Medical Officer of Health Appointed
- 1875 Employers and Workmen Act
- Employees given terms on par of their employers
- Disraeli was proud of it
- 1874 and 78 Factory Acts
- Consolidation
- Reduction in hours for women and children
- Regular inspections
- Max week set at 56 hours --> 10 Mon-Fri, 6 on Sat
- 1876 Merchant Seamans' Act
- Regular inspection of ships by Board of Trade, better accomodation on board and Plimsoll line
- Non-compulsory
- 1875 Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act
- From an Italian Jewish family
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