Belief about Deity - Key Words
- Created by: Aniqa101
- Created on: 22-03-15 11:39
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- Beliefs about Deity
- Translucent
- God is outside time
- Moral Argument
- Everyone has the same moral code, given by God
- Omnibenevelent
- God is all loving
- Teleological Argument
- The world is complicated and must have a designer
- Omniscient
- God is all knowing
- Ontological Argument
- God is greater than anything else people can think of
- Polytheism
- Belief in many Gods
- Monotheism
- Belief in one God
- Eternal
- God has no beginning or ending
- God
- A supreme being, creator of the world
- Omnipotent
- God is all powerful
- Cosmological Argument
- Everything has a 'first cause' and that was God
- Miracle
- A supernatural event defying nature
- Atheism
- Disbelief in the existence of God
- Translucent
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