Beliefs and Perspectives of Map creators
- Created by: erindent
- Created on: 19-03-21 10:00
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- Explain how the study of maps can help us appreciate the geographical knowledge and beliefs of their creators
- Map creation
- reflect the world view of creators through geographical lens/ perspective.
- Audience purpose
- societal knowledge at the time
- available tools
- Scales
- process of reduction, cartographic generalisation and simplification
- Projection
- All maps are compromises, different projections provide different purposes
- Abstraction of Reality
- how and what should be used to label - subjective view of reality.
- Evolution of Geographical Thought
- Paradigms - new interpretations of values and assumptions
- Internalist perspective - when existing world views are no longer capable of solving problems
- Contextualist - academic disciplines only occur in societal history.
- Ontology - study of nature of being and existence. 'What can we know?'
- Epistemology - theory of knowledge. 'How can we know?'
- Methodology - 'How can we measure?'
- Ideology - 'What do we know with knowledge produced?'
- 17th century age of exploration
- European knowledge and conquest expanded - skills in navigation and map making more important with this economic and political power.
- Age of enlightenment with pioneering publications
- Paradigms - new interpretations of values and assumptions
- Beliefs
- Environmental Determinism
- That natural environment causes and explains human/cultural world
- Regional Geography and uniqueness of place
- Behavioral Geography
- Sought to achieve better understanding of human perception and descision-making.
- Environmental Determinism
- Map Examples
- Matthew Paris 1250
- Mappa Mundi 1300
- Gough Map 1360
- Waldseemuller Map 1507
- Mercators World Map
- Map creation
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