Beatrice Carbone.

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  • Beatrice Carbone.
    • Eddies  wife. has no children of her own.
      • Very honest and makes clear observations . She is brave enough to confront Eddie about his love for Catherine.
        • She is  loyal to Eddie  and doesn't go to Catherine's wedding because he says so.
    • Lets Eddie  controls things and is anxious not to upset him.
      • Loving and Caring and is excited about the arrival of her cousins. However, she is 'Nervous'
      • she is upset by the conflict in the family and tries to be the calming influence
        • There are hints right from the start that Beatrice is aware of Eddies feelings for Catherine.
    • She  avoids Eddies gaze when Catherine  fetches  his cigar.  It becomes more obvious when she talk to Eddie about their marriage.
      • Beatrice Supports Catherine and encourages her to be more independent. She helps persuade Eddie to let Catherine to go to work. Referred to as B.


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