English GCSE - Bayonet Charge

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  • Bayonet Charge - Ted Hughes
    • What's it about?
      • A soldier's experience of a violent battle. Describes his thoughts as he avoids being shot.
    • Form
      • Uses a lot of enjambment which represents the soldiers urgency.
    • Structure
      • Starts in the middle of the action. The middle stanza describes a pause where time stands still for the soldier.
    • Universal language
      • Uses the pronoun 'he' rather than naming the soldier. Suggests that he could represent any soldier.
    • Figurative language
      • Used to emphasise the horror and physical pain.
    • Violent language
      • Use of shocking imagery to help convey the sense of confusion and fear.
    • Terror
      • Challenges patriotism and shows the soldier is driven by fear.
    • Confusion
      • The soldier is physically disorientated and is questioning why he is there.
    • Comparisons
      • Effects of conflict - The Charge of the Light Brigade, Poppies; Reality of battles - Belfast Confetti; Nature - Mametz Wood




this is awful



ted hughes forehead plays an essential role in the structure of this poem but not once is it mentioned along with his cheesegrater!!!!!




really useful for gcse, thank you.

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