TB9 B&B Summary; Brain mechanisms of Action & Decision
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 24-03-16 12:49
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- B&B TB9; Brain mechanisms of action and decision
- Lecture 1; How do we make a movement?
- Upper v.s lower motor-neurones
- Syndromes of...
- Postural v.s rhythmic movements
- Descending pathways that regulate and effect motion
- Central pattern generators (walking, swimming, rhythmic actions)
- Primary motor cortex and motor homunculus
- The hierarchy of cortical mechanisms for motor action
- Clinical concepts
- Hemiplegia
- Dyspraxia
- Chorea
- Ballismus
- Upper v.s lower motor-neurones
- Lecture 2; How do we control a movement
- Postural v.s intentional movement control
- Reflexes
- Cortical
- Spinal
- Re-entrant circuits
- Intent v.s monitering of actual motion
- The consequences of different levels of control
- Tremor
- Cerebellar ataxia, cerebellar tremor
- Parkinsons
- Lecture 3; How do we decide to act?
- Executive control
- Imaging evidence of executive control brain areas
- Clinical evidence of executive brain control areas
- Inhibition and disinhibition
- Wisconsin card sorting task
- Inappropriate behaviour and risk taking
- Conflict monitering model
- The stroop task
- Executive control
- Lecture 4; Motor function and cognition
- Goals
- Goal directed behaviour
- Goal selection
- Manual dexterity, the role of the hand in evolution
- Acquisition of motor skills
- Role of the cerebellum
- Motor plasticity
- Cortical lesions
- Rehabilitation
- Knowing 'what', knowing 'how'
- Cognitive problems & parkinsons
- Goals
- Tutorial; Clinical cases of motor control dysfunction
- Lecture 1; How do we make a movement?
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