Background to modern olympics (somers HW)
- Created by: PoppyMowle
- Created on: 18-01-21 12:36
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- Background to modern olympic games
- Ancient olympics started in 776 bc and lasted 1000 years until it was banned in 400 bc as Christians thought it was inappropriate.
- in 1612 ad, the Cotswold Dover games started by Robert Dover who introduced multi event competitions like; animal races and shin kicking. From then, it became an annual event.
- In 1850 AD the Much Wenlock games were introduced at Shropshire which included things like; cross country. Dr Penny Brookes who introduced the Wenlock olympics was a reformer and campaigned for schools to include PE in their education. Brookes did this by attending schools like Rugby to meet headteachers and discuss PE.
- In 1890 Brookes met French Aristocrat Baron Pierre De Coubertin who was interested in the British culture and traditions of sports and also wanted to encourage PE in education - especially athleticism. He helped the revival of the Olympic games
- So, in 1896, Pierre created the Athens Olympics in Greece which was the first modern olympics where countries like; Chile and Australia competed against each other in events like; weightlifting, swimming. cycling and shooting; however in tennis they competed altogether. Amateurism was still a big factor in sport as people thought it was good morale to play to take part.
- Lauuceston Elliot was the champion of one armed weight lifting in the Athens Olympics. This shows how the British ideas and influences of games were being established as well as public schools developing sports at the same time and why the olympic games now are mainly inspired by the British traditions of the middle and upper class.
- Pierre also helped to design the Olympic flag which consisted of 5 rings; blue, black, red, green and yellow. This symbolised the 5 continents of the world.
- So, in 1896, Pierre created the Athens Olympics in Greece which was the first modern olympics where countries like; Chile and Australia competed against each other in events like; weightlifting, swimming. cycling and shooting; however in tennis they competed altogether. Amateurism was still a big factor in sport as people thought it was good morale to play to take part.
- In 1890 Brookes met French Aristocrat Baron Pierre De Coubertin who was interested in the British culture and traditions of sports and also wanted to encourage PE in education - especially athleticism. He helped the revival of the Olympic games
- Professionalism became more common by the 2012 London olympics and the games are held every 4 years to symbolise the ancient origins of the olympic game that were held every 4 years in which they called an Olympiad.
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