B1 You and Your Genes - Mind Map
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?- Created by: Falisha
- Created on: 23-06-13 20:41
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- B1 You and Your Genes
- Genes
- Cell > Nucleus > Chromosomes > DNA
- Instructions that control the development of a living thing
- Structutal proteins to build the body
- Functional proteins to take part in chemical reactions
- Charcteristics depend on genes and the environment
- Genes: Dimples
- Environment: Scars
- Genes & Environment: Weight
- Family Members
- Human cells(except sex cells) contain pairs of chromosomes
- 1 Chromosome in each pair come from the mother's egg and the other form the father's sperm
- The same genes are found in the same place in each chromosome.
- Alleles: Diffrent versions of the same gene
- Homozygous:both alleles are the same
- Hetrozygous:both alleles are different
- Alleles: Diffrent versions of the same gene
- Human cells(except sex cells) contain pairs of chromosomes
- Difference
- Siblings are not identical because you inherit diffrent combinatiosn of alleles
- Dominant
- Only need 1 copy of a dominant allele to have the feature
- Recessive
- Must have 2 copies of a recessive allele to have the feature
- Genotype
- Description of genes
- Phenotype
- Description of physical characteristics
- Male or Female?
- Female have ** chromosomes
- Every egg cell has an X cromosone
- Males have XY chromosmes
- Half the sperm have X chromosmes the others have Y chromosomes
- Y chromosomes determin the sex of the embryo
- Female have ** chromosomes
- Inherited Disorders
- Huntington's Disease
- Develops during mid 30's
- Symptoms
- Tremor
- Clumsiness
- Memory Loss
- Mood Changes
- 1 Faulty dominant allele
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Production of sticky, thick mucus
- Symptoms
- Breathing problems
- Digesting problems
- Chest infections
- Faulty recessive allele
- Huntington's Disease
- Gentic Testings
- Questions
- Ethical
- Is this against my religious views?
- Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis
- Is this against my religious views?
- Should i have children or not?
- Will this affect my future?
- Should i have an abortion?
- Who shall i tell?
- Is there a risk of misscarriage?
- Ethical
- False Negative
- A result that appears negative when it should not
- False Positives
- A result that indicates that a given condition is present when it is not.
- Questions
- Clones
- Bacteria,plants and some animals can produce clones by asexual reproduction
- Plants produce bulbs and runners as clones
- Animals can produce identical twins
- Pre implantation
- Embryos selection: Embryo fertilised outside the body and tested for genetic disorders. Only healthy embryos are put into the mother's uterus
- Clones are individuals with identical genes
- Bacteria,plants and some animals can produce clones by asexual reproduction
- Stem Cells
- Stem Cells are unspecialised cells
- Embryonic: develop into any type of cell
- Adult: develop into most cells but not all
- Most stem cells are produced during early development of a living orgainism
- Stem cells will help develop new medication for illness
- Stem Cells are unspecialised cells
- Genes
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