Ayer (mystics)
- Created by: gracetsp
- Created on: 11-06-13 15:07
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- mystics
- "beyond experience"
- non-cognitive
- Ayers Yellow Patch
- I am seeing a yellow patch - meaningful-can test it
- I am seeing a transcendent God - meaningless - cannot test it
- Goes beyond claiming religious emotion to claim of knowledge of something existing outside himself - cannot have literal significance (be meaningingful)
- I am seeing a transcendent God - meaningless - cannot test it
- I am seeing a transcendent God - meaningless - cannot test it
- Goes beyond claiming religious emotion to claim of knowledge of something existing outside himself - cannot have literal significance (be meaningingful)
- I am seeing a yellow patch - meaningful-can test it
- Ayers Yellow Patch
- incoherent
- William James: Noetic, Transient
- non-cognitive
- Ayers Yellow Patch
- I am seeing a yellow patch - meaningful-can test it
- I am seeing a yellow patch - meaningful-can test it
- Ayers Yellow Patch
- non-cognitive
- Terrisa of Avila: it is impossible for me to doubt that I have been in God and he in me"
- William James: Noetic, Transient
- non-cognitive
- Intuition
- Not sufficient evidence
- Donovan /Owen
- Untitled
- Not sufficient evidence
- The SENSE of something transcendent (emotive)
- may indeed be real sensation
- doesnt mean it exists in re
- Ontological arguement
- Russell / Coppleston debate
- doesnt mean it exists in re
- may indeed be real sensation
- "beyond experience"
- doesnt mean it exists in re
- Ontological arguement
- Russell / Coppleston debate
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