Augustine's Theodicy
- Created by: Grace Lidgett
- Created on: 06-01-13 15:56
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- Augustine's theodicy
- Moral evil
- World begins perfect
- Adam and Eve chose to do evil - fall of man
- We are all present when they chose to do evil so we know evil [semonially present]
- Future generations know evil
- Evil is not the fault of God
- Free will defence = God gave us free will out of kindness and after the fall of man we became distanced from God
- We are 'soul-deciding' which means we can decide to to move towards God by acting good or away through acting bad
- Natural evil
- Natural evil serves as a punishment for the fall of man
- Moral evil disrupted the balance of harmony so natural evil was a punishment
- Our free will can also cause natural evil through us damaging the world [global warming]
- At creation, evil and suffering were unknown to earth
- This means that evil is a 'privatio boni' [privation]
- As evil did not exist, evil is therefore not a substance, God did not create it
- At creation, evil and suffering were unknown to earth
- Note - Augustine did not say that evil was an absence of good but a privation which means quality that is supposed to be there but isnt - lack of good
- E.g A BLIND PERSON - Blindness is not a serperate entity but a privation of sight
- As evil did not exist, evil is therefore not a substance, God did not create it
- Note - Augustine did not say that evil was an absence of good but a privation which means quality that is supposed to be there but isnt - lack of good
- E.g A BLIND PERSON - Blindness is not a serperate entity but a privation of sight
- Moral evil
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