Attitudes to women and nursing
- Created by: darceylois24
- Created on: 13-06-16 18:27
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- Attitudes to women and nursing
- Society had a massive impact on woman becoming doctors because it was crowned upon
- In the 19th Century there were no women doctors because in 1852 the government introduced the MEDICAL REGISTRATION ACT in 1852
- The act required all doctors to belong to one of the Colleges of Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries which are all closed to women
- Men were superior to women and the men thought of women as slaves
- Women and men in the same classes and lectures was thought to be an outrage to our natural instincts
- It was ok for women to be nurses but not doctors as nursing was seen as more of an acceptable career for women who wanted to work with medicine
- Nursing was not a profession meaning women did not want need to study to become nurses
- Men thought the idea of women becoming doctors was disgusting and believed they should look after the children at home
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