- Created by: Fchearn
- Created on: 07-12-18 15:51
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- The History of Attachment Theory
- Harlow (1958) - Monkeys
- 1/2 of monkeys fed from wire mother. 1/2 fed from cloth mother
- Monkeys spent more time with cloth mother regardless of who fed them
- Scared = run to cloth mother
- Comfort is important to attachment
- Monkeys spent more time with cloth mother regardless of who fed them
- 1/2 of monkeys fed from wire mother. 1/2 fed from cloth mother
- Harlow - Isolation Experiments
- Monkeys were isolated - showed signs of psychological distress
- < 6 month old isolation = some recovery if isolated
- Monkeys were isolated - showed signs of psychological distress
- Ainsworth (1970) - Strange Situation
- Parent and baby introduced to a novel room
- Stranger enters room and interacts with baby
- Mother leaves
- Mother returns and comforts baby
- Mother leaves
- Stranger enters room and interacts with baby
- Resistant attachment = child explores little and is wary of stranger even when parent is present
- Upset when parent departs but ambivalent on return - appears angry and resists comfort
- 10%
- Avoidant attachment = the child explores freely and engages with stranger regardless of parent
- LIttle distress when parent departs and little reaction to their return
- Disorientated/disorganized attachment (Main and Soloman, 1990) = mix of insecure attachment
- Shows distress at loss of contact (anxiety)
- Fear on return (avoidant)
- Parent and baby introduced to a novel room
- Harlow (1958) - Monkeys
- With cloth mother = explored
- Mother acts as secure base
- Monkeys put in novel environment with or without cloth mother
- Harlow (1958) - Monkeys
- 1/2 of monkeys fed from wire mother. 1/2 fed from cloth mother
- Monkeys spent more time with cloth mother regardless of who fed them
- Scared = run to cloth mother
- Comfort is important to attachment
- Monkeys spent more time with cloth mother regardless of who fed them
- 1/2 of monkeys fed from wire mother. 1/2 fed from cloth mother
- Harlow (1958) - Monkeys
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