Athletics in popular recreation
- Created by: Scarlett3
- Created on: 03-01-16 16:27
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- Athletics in popular recreation
- During popular recreation there were events called social wakes
- At these events there were many sports played
- Catching the greasy pig
- Shin kicking
- Drinking hot tea
- Smock races
- These events were frowned upon by many
- At these events there were many sports played
- The cotswold games was brought about by Robert Dover
- This attracted participants from both classes
- wrestling
- Jousting
- leaping
- Pedestrianism
- The gentry employed footmen as messengers
- There was often huge wagering on pedestrian races
- Robert Barcley Allardice walked 1000 miles in 1000 hours
- There was often match fixing, using false names and professionals impersonating amateurs
- During popular recreation there were events called social wakes
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