- Created by: natjade96
- Created on: 04-05-15 16:07
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- Atavistic Form- Lombroso
- Atavism
- Criminals have different physical features than non- criminals
- The features were called atavistic & were said to be a more primitive evolutionary stage
- 'Murderers have bloodshot eyes, curly hair & a prominent jaw'
- Criminals have narrow sloping brows, strong prominent jaw, extra *******, toes & fingers, high cheek bones and large ears
- Research
- Cialdini
- Defendants rated more attractive got lighter sentences
- P's rated attractiveness of 74 male defendants pre-trial
- Castellow
- P's given sexual assault cases, some with previously rated attractive defendant and some with unattractive defendant & asked if the defendant is guilty or not
- Attractive defendant- guilty 56%
- Unattractive defendant- guilty 76%
- Attractive victim- guilty verdict 77%
- Unattractive victim- guilty 55%
- Cialdini
- Evaluation
- GORING compared 3000 criminals & 3000 non- criminals. Found no significant difference in physical features
- Sheldon did not compare criminals with non- criminals= no comparative measure. Some criminal features found in non criminals
- Sample was people with psychological disorders so maybe Lombroso confused criminality with psycho-pathology
- Atavism
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