- Created by: Rachel
- Created on: 10-04-14 17:10
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- Assault
- Battery
- Unlawful use of force against another person
- Intention or recklessness that force will be used agains another
- Doesn't need to be an injury - defendant can still be guilty of battery
- touching another person is enough if it is done w/o consent
- touching must be hostile in the sense it isn't consented to, not hostile in the sense its aggressive - Brown
- touching another person is enough if it is done w/o consent
- can be committed via a weapon/object
- intentionally allowed wheel of car to be accidentally driven onto victims foot
- DPP v K
- schoolboy put acid in hand drier and another boy was splashed w/ acid when he later used drier
- man punched woman who was holding her baby. He committed battery agains the baby as it hit the floor
- battery doesn't include everyday touching o touching which is generally acceptable
- eg: bumping into somebody on tube, tapping someone on shoulder to point out they have dropped something (Collins v Wilcock)
- Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm
- aggravated assault - s.47 OAPA 1961
- assault w/ the additional element of bodily harm
- made up of
- An assault (common assault or battery)
- occasioning
- must be shown assault caused the ABH. it isn't enough that theres been an assault/battery and the victim suffered ABH
- Ireland - must be shown that the fear of imminent unlawful violence caused physiological injuries
- not enough that illness was caused by general distress after telephone calls or fear they may ring again
- Actual Bodily Harm
- bruises, grazes
- cutting hair - DPP v Smith
- no need to prove pain
- physiological illness is ABH - Chan Fook
- aggravated assault - s.47 OAPA 1961
- Maliciously administering Poison
- 2 offences in OAPA - s.23 & 24
- ACTUS REUS: administration of poison to another person
- can be administrated directly or indirectly
- ACTUS REUS: administration of poison to another person
- s. 24 - a specific intent to injure, aggrieve or annoy is required
- MENS REA: malice
- s. 23 - administration must have caused GBH or endangered life of the victim
- 2 offences in OAPA - s.23 & 24
- provides defence to charge of battery/assault
- consent must be positive consent given by a competent victim
- can be suffering from mistake to the nature of act or the identity of defendant
- consent must be positive consent given by a competent victim
- there is authority for where consent is a defence even though the victim has suffered ABH or worse
- tattooing, ritual circumcision of males, ear piercing, personal adornment
- WILSON 1996 - a man at her request burned his wives bum with a hot knife to leave scars spelling his initials
- religious mortification
- as part of a religious repentance, one person asks another to inflict pain on them
- Rough horseplay
- children/adults play rough games
- surgery carried out by a medically qualified person
- Consensual non-violent sexual relatonships
- DICA 2004
- Appellant convicted of inflicting GBH on 2 women who he had sexual relations with
- He was HIV + and had infected them w/ virus
- At trial the judge ruled that whether or not the victims had consented - after following Brown - no defence
- COA held ruling incorrect - if victims were aware of appellants HIV status and had consented to risk of catching it then their consent provided a defence to a s.20 charge
- As it was shown they knew he had HIV - wouldn't be difficult
- Even if women hadn't been told of defendants status, this couldn't be **** as they had consented to sexual intercourse
- As it was shown they knew he had HIV - wouldn't be difficult
- COA held ruling incorrect - if victims were aware of appellants HIV status and had consented to risk of catching it then their consent provided a defence to a s.20 charge
- At trial the judge ruled that whether or not the victims had consented - after following Brown - no defence
- He was HIV + and had infected them w/ virus
- Appellant convicted of inflicting GBH on 2 women who he had sexual relations with
- a defendant suffering from a sexually transmitted disease can be guilty of inflicting GBH if they know that they have the condition and their partner doesn't consent to running the risk of catching the diease
- DICA 2004
- tattooing, ritual circumcision of males, ear piercing, personal adornment
- provides defence to charge of battery/assault
- Battery
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