Inheritance and Selection
- Created by: EtoG
- Created on: 07-09-15 17:27
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- Selective Breeding
- Idea behind
- Organisms with desired characteristics are bred with similar organisms, resulting in offspring some of which will have an exaggerated version of this characteristic. These are then bred again until the desired result.
- For example: Dalmations are bred for decorating purposes
- Organisms with desired characteristics are bred with similar organisms, resulting in offspring some of which will have an exaggerated version of this characteristic. These are then bred again until the desired result.
- Plants
- Many of modern fruit and vegetable can be strange looking to someone from hundred years ago, due to selective breeding, to producesorganisms consumers prefer.
- Animals
- Dangers of SB
- It can cause individual genes to be lost from the breeding population and once it is lost, it is gone forever
- Solution
- Dangers of SB
- It can cause individual genes to be lost from the breeding population and once it is lost, it is gone forever
- RARE BREED SANCTUARIES- Look after breeds which are no longer looked after by farmers
- Dangers of SB
- Idea behind
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