Arms race delivery systems and technological development
- Created by: Frances
- Created on: 29-04-14 20:22
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- Arms race delivery systems and technological development
- Technological developments
- Atomic Bomb USA- 1945 USSR- 1949
- UN attempted to control bomb production through the Baruch Plan- 1946, but was rejected by the USSR as they felt the UN was virtually run by the USA
- Hydrogen Bomb USA-1952 USSR- 1953
- USSR lithium bomb was more powerful and didn't need refrigerating
- USA tested own lithium bomb in 1954- thermonuclear age had arrived and the race was on to improve delivery
- USSR lithium bomb was more powerful and didn't need refrigerating
- Space Race
- Sputnik launch 1957
- USSR launch first satellite (Explorer 1) in 1958
- Sputnik 2 launch 1957- Laika into space
- Yuri Gagarin into space- 1961
- Atomic Bomb USA- 1945 USSR- 1949
- Delivery Systems
- Bomber aircraft US- B52 Stratofortress and the Soviet Tu-20 Bear
- both slow and vulnerable to being shot down
- ICBM USSR- launched first ICBM in 1957 USA- first operational ICBM (Atlas) in 1958
- SLBM- US develop in 1960 and USSR follow just 40 days later
- After the development of SLBMs both have guaranteed 2nd strike capability
- 1962 the USA had 4000 missile warheads and the USSR 220
- Bomber aircraft US- B52 Stratofortress and the Soviet Tu-20 Bear
- Technological developments
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