- Created by: Grace Lidgett
- Created on: 05-01-13 20:19
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- Aristotle
- 4 causes
- Material = the matter/ substance of the object [book is made of paper]
- Formal = what gives the object its form [the paper is put together in a certain way]
- Efficient = what caused it to come into existence [author and then it was printed]
- Final cause = reason why it is the way it is, purpose [book to read]
- Prime mover
- Prime mover is the final cause of everything
- Everything is in a state of motion, change is always caused by something else, everything is in a state of potentiality and actuality
- Something that causes all motion and change must be eternal and unmoved = prime mover
- What was meant by potentiality and actuality was that a cup of hot coffee is actually hot but potentially cold and whilst a child is actually a child, they are potentiality an adult
- The prime mover is pure actuality with no potential to change, he is immutable, he is not lacking quality, he is purely good
- The prime mover existence is necessary - he cannot fail to exist
- Prime mover
- Prime mover
- Prime mover is the final cause of everything
- Everything is in a state of motion, change is always caused by something else, everything is in a state of potentiality and actuality
- Something that causes all motion and change must be eternal and unmoved = prime mover
- What was meant by potentiality and actuality was that a cup of hot coffee is actually hot but potentially cold and whilst a child is actually a child, they are potentiality an adult
- The prime mover is pure actuality with no potential to change, he is immutable, he is not lacking quality, he is purely good
- The prime mover existence is necessary - he cannot fail to exist
- Plato
- Although Aristotle appreciated the teachings from Plato, he rejected the Forms as Aristotle focused on the physical world and empirical evidence
- Aristotle rejected the forms and on reason was the relationship between the forms and objects in the physical world were never really made
- Aristotle rejects a dualist view of the world and Plato's understanding of the soul
- God
- For Aristotle, the prime mover is God, God is pure actuality
- The prime mover is the leader and order within the universe
- The prime mover is impersonal and does not act in the world but is instead transcendent and eternal - big difference with God of classical theism
- Issues
- There doesn't have to be a final cause, the universe could just be there with no real cause or purpose
- The relationship between the prime mover and the universe is unclear, whilst the prime mover is seen as transcendent
- Cannot be completely like God because God is said to act in the world and people experience him
- 4 causes
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