Arguments for/against abortion
This mindmap shows the for and against views on abortion
- Created by: Nisha~
- Created on: 06-01-13 16:43
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- Arguments for/against abortion
- For
- The embryo/foetus is just a clump of cells - is at best potential life
- No child should be unwanted
- A young girl is not yet ready for the responsibilities of motherhood
- It is cruel to make a ***** woman go through with pregnancy
- Aborting a disabled foetus is in the best interests of everyone
- The right to autonomy - the mother has the right to choose for herself
- The woman knows what is best for herself and the foetus
- Against
- It is wrong to punish a child for it's father's action
- A young girl is not mature enough to deal with any lasting guilt feelings
- People cannot make judgments about those with disability's QOL
- Life begins at conception, when something uniquely new comes into being
- The right to autonomy should be limited as in this case the mother is making choices for someone else
- No child need be unwanted - there are alternatives to abortion
- The woman's emotional state may cloud her judgement
- For