Scene 1
- Created by: Caprice254
- Created on: 05-04-15 20:02
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- Arcadia: Act 1
- Scene 2
- Characters: Chloe Bernard Valentine Hannah
- Bernard arrives looking for Hannah
- Chloe fills him in on Sidley Park and goes to find Hannah
- Hannah is writing a History of the garden
- Bernard realizes who Hannah is and that he wrote a bad review about her book
- Asks Chloe not to tell Hannah his real last name, wants to surprise Hannah
- Chloe calls him Bernard Peacock instead of Nightingale
- Asks Chloe not to tell Hannah his real last name, wants to surprise Hannah
- Chloe fills him in on Sidley Park and goes to find Hannah
- Confusion when Valnetine tells Bernard hes looking for the game book in the commode
- Commode can = toilet
- Bernard and Valentine discuss Hannahs new book and how they met before at a mathematical conference
- Hannahs book = 'Caro' about Caroline Lamb
- Bernard explains to Hannah that he is looking for clues after finding a copy of 'The Couch of Eros' Chater inscribed to Septimus
- Chater the poet has nearly been forgotten and the only other Chater of the period is a botanist who died from a monkey bite
- The copy belonged to Lord Byron at one point and was used to write a book review in the Piccadilly
- Bernard excited about the 3 papers in the book discussing a duel
- Believes it took place and Byron killed Chater
- Hannah asks for Bernards University and remembers a Mr Nightingale
- Hannah explains that there are no records of Chater
- Hannah fascinated by the hermit and shows Bernard Thomasinas drawing in Noakes Landscape book
- Bernard brings up Byron wondering if he appeared in Croom family papers
- Bernard wishes to look through the papers but Hannah wont let him
- Chloe calls Bernard Mr Nightingale alerting Hannah to his true identity
- Hannah is annoyed but Bernard thinks if they work together they can taken down the Byron sholar crowd
- Hannah states Byron and Septimus went to school together
- Chloe wants to set Hannah up with Bernard for the Costume Ball but Hannah says no
- Chloe jokes about Gus being pleased because he loves Hannah
- Scene 1
- Characters: Septimus Thomasina Jellaby Chater Noakes Lady Croom Captain Brice
- Thomasina and Septimus discuss carnal embrace
- "throwing one's arms around a side of beef"/sex
- Mrs Chater seen in 'carnal embrace' with Septimus in the gazebo by Noakes
- April 1809
- Thomasina working on Fermat's Last Theorem
- Septimus reading Chaters poem
- Septimus invited to join Chater in the gun room
- Thomasina talks of stirring jam into rice pudding - cannot be unmixed
- Thomasina has a new idea but Septimus dismisses it
- If you could know for an instant what all the atoms in the universe were doing you could write an equation to predict the future
- Septimus wrong to dismiss, Thomasina is the first to have thought this
- If you could know for an instant what all the atoms in the universe were doing you could write an equation to predict the future
- Chater wants to duel with Septimus over 'gazebo' incident
- Septimus distracts him by praising his poem
- Chater believes Mrs Chater slept with Septimus so he would give Chater a good review
- Septimus distracts him by praising his poem
- Lady Crooms "On,no! Not the gazebo!" causes confusion
- Septimus thinks shes talking of his carnal embrace
- Actually talking about Noakes' plans to change the garden
- Replacing the gazebo with a hermitage
- Thomasina speaks of this again worrying her mother in regards to Septimus
- Actually talking about Noakes' plans to change the garden
- Septimus thinks shes talking of his carnal embrace
- Thomasina gives Septimus a note from Mrs Chater
- Septimus puts this inside the book he's reading by Chater - 'The Couch of Eros'
- Scene 2
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