FOCT: God and Creation
- Created by: mehmehbrown
- Created on: 07-04-15 13:59
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- Aquinas: God's relationship to the world
- God and angels
- Their form is to know
- Telos is to serve God and convey his will
- Materially they have no corporeal bodies; "separated substances"
- God and humans
- Their form is intellectual and to order creation
- Telos is to know God and have eternal life
- Materially they are corporeal and have intellectual souls
- God and creation
- God's actions: primary (creation shares God's likeness) and secondary causes (God's indirect action)
- Actus purus: God constantly produces, orders and preserves
- Creation ex- nihilo: God acts freely and is greater than that which he creates
- Divine simplicity: God is utterly different from his creation- he is more than just a cause
- Ens / Esse : all created things act differently
- Modern Debates
- God's action: process theology
- Science and creation: chance and necessity
- Angels: significance of the imagination
- God and angels
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