Aquinas' Three Ways Strengths and Weaknesses
- Created by: vaneezabutt
- Created on: 22-11-20 20:30
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- Aquinas' Cosmological Arguments-Strength&Weakness
- Second Way: Uncaused Causer
- Copleston: The argument offers a rational solution- to sit at the chessboard
- Grounded in our experience and observation of things that have causes
- Inductive leap
- Plurality of causes: many causes, or a imperfect cause of the world
- No scientific evidence of God in our senses
- Self-contradictory argument: On what basis does God have no Cause
- Hume argues that Cause+Effect is more complex than how Aquinas/Aristotle present it.
- Plurality of causes: many causes, or a imperfect cause of the world
- Copleston: The argument offers a rational solution- to sit at the chessboard
- First Way: Unmoved Mover
- -Aqunias' Mover wills the universe into existence;moree credible than Aristotle's notion
- -(Vardy) Undeniable premise that the universe exists
- Consistent with God of revealed theology
- Depends simply on belief that infinite regress is impossible, not satisfying enough
- If the Big bang explains the origin of the universe, there is no need for God
- Russell states that the Universe: "just is"
- Third Way: Contingent beings
- Developed further by Leibniz and his Principle of Sufficient Reason
- Something can come out of nothing according to Quantum physics
- Russell says there is no such thing as a necessary being
- Is God really a sufficient reason when we consider the Problem of Evil
- William Temple argues that infinite regress is logically possible
- Russell says there is no such thing as a necessary being
- Second Way: Uncaused Causer
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