Natural vs revealed theology
- Created by: Emilyhilkene
- Created on: 12-06-18 10:53
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- Knowledge of God
- Natural theology
- Knowing through reason and experience
- Based on evidence and reason in this world
- Large feature in Catholicism
- Smaller role in Calvinism
- Form of protestantism
- 'Point of contact
- Ability to recognise God
- Engaging in our world means we can make point of contact stronger
- Ability to recognise God
- Sensus divinatitis - sense of God
- Deeply ingrained idea of God- CALVIN
- Sense of beauty and goodness
- Conscience
- Deeply ingrained idea of God- CALVIN
- Conscience
- Order of Universe
- Nature is a 'mirror to God'
- Process theology
- God lives WITH Universe
- A.N Whitehead
- God lives WITH Universe
- Epistemic distance
- God does this so we can make our own choices (free will)
- 'Duplex cognito Domini'
- Knowledge of God as a creator and redeemer
- Calvin
- Knowledge of God as a creator and redeemer
- Revealed theology
- Known through revelation
- Through scriptures
- Mediate
- Religious revelation on your own
- Immediate
- Through the scripture
- Larger in Calvinism
- Smaller in Catholicsm
- Guide to redemption
- God's direct revelation to humanity
- Supernatural knowledge
- Unvailed to humans
- Supernatural knowledge
- Based on faith not intellect
- God's direct revelation to humanity
- Confirms natural theology but expands
- Calvin
- The Fall
- Augustinian
- God revealed as redeemer, he is like a broken mirror
- Catholicism/aquinas
- Fall as confusion
- Like a 'dirty' mirror
- 'Unformed' faith
- Knowing there are reasons to have faith, but not having it yet
- 'Formed' faith
- Taken reasons to reality and committing to having a faith in God
- Fall as confusion
- Catholicism/aquinas
- 'Firm and certian knowledge' and willing to believe
- Faith
- Once you have this, you are ready for the revealed God
- Majority of Christians follow the meaning of scriptures
- Ambiguos
- Faith bridges evidence we can see our self and God
- Known through revelation
- Natural and revealed are important
- Alvin Platinga
- Reformed epistemology
- Revealed theology is superior to natural theology
- RT is reasonable and justified
- NT is insufficient
- Criticisms
- Knowledge of God is basic
- No reason to believe it
- Natural theology
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