AQA A Level Sociology Field Experiments T+M
- Created by: harriet_docksey
- Created on: 09-01-21 12:42
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- Field Experiments
- The comparative method
- Relies on re-analysing secondary data
- Designed to identify cause-and-effect relationships
- Durkheim's (1897) classic study of suicide: used suicide official stats
- Positives: - Avoids artificiality - Can be used to study past events - Avoids ethical issues
- Differs from a lab experiment in 2 ways:
- Takes place in the subject's natural surroundings
- Untitled
- Example of a field experiment
- Rosenthal and Jackson (1968): gave misleading info about pupils' abilities to discover the effect of this on the children's achievement
- Actor tests and correspondence tests
- Brown and Gay (1985): sent a black and a white actor for the same post. Corresponded in age, gender, qualifications...
- Wood et al (2010): sent job applications, only thing that varied was ethnicity
- Field experiments are more natural and valid for real life
- There is, however, a trade off between naturalism and control
- Can also be argued to be unethical as there is no informed consent
- The comparative method
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