Approaches to Psychopathology
- Created by: Bethany
- Created on: 10-01-14 12:22
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- Approaches to Psychopathology
- Biological
- Definition
- This approach says abnormal behaviour is to do with your biology.
- Infection
- Genetics
- Brain Injury
- This approach says abnormal behaviour is to do with your biology.
- Case Studies
- Clive Wearing
- Phineas Gage
- Holland et el
- Advantages
- Drug Development
- Humane Biological model stops patients blaming themselves
- Disadvantages
- Ignores other factors (Reductionism)
- Cause and Effect - not clear on whether mental illnesses are caused by physical problems or physical problems are a result of the illness
- Treatments
- ECT ( Electroconvulisve Therapie)
- Drugs
- Definition
- Behavioural
- Definition
- Mental illnesses are learnt
- Operant Conditioning
- Classical Conditioning
- Social Learning Theory
- Mental illnesses are learnt
- Advantages
- Can account for differences between cultures
- Disadvantages
- Cant explain how all Phobias Form
- Ignores other factors
- Case Studies
- Watson & Raynor ( Little Albert)
- Skinner
- Becker ( fiji study )
- Treatments
- Systematic Desensitisation
- Definition
- Cogitive
- Definition
- abnormal behaviour is caused by faulty or irrational thoughts
- minimising success
- Magnification of failures
- abnormal behaviour is caused by faulty or irrational thoughts
- Case Studies
- Lawisann
- Advantages
- Emphasises on what is going on at present in your life rather than looking back at childhood
- Disadvantages
- Cause or Coonsequence
- Ignores other factors
- Treatments
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapies
- Meichenbaums
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapies
- Definition
- Psychodynamic
- Definition
- Problems stores in our unconscious that we cannot access can infulence behaviour
- ID
- Ego
- Super Ego
- Problems stores in our unconscious that we cannot access can infulence behaviour
- Advantages
- unconscious idea had a massive impact of psychology in general
- many therapies have been influenced by psycho dynamic theory
- Case Studies
- Anna O
- Rat Man
- Disadvantages
- Not scientific, is it falsifiable
- Critised for being Deterministic
- Treatments
- Free Association
- Dream Therapy
- Definition
- Biological
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