Approaches in psychology
- Created by: aliekel14
- Created on: 07-03-19 15:28
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- Origins
- AO1:structuralist approach (attempt to understand the structure and characteristics of the mind. empiricism- knowledge leant through experience. scientific. Introspection techniques.
- -ve AO3: unreliable methods: relied mainly on non-observable responses. This meant his methods lacked reliability. Not reliably reproduced.
- +ve AO3: A scientific approach which relies on objective and systematic methods of observation. Rely on belief of determinism so can establish causes of behaviour (replicable and empirical). If a theory is proved untrue the method can be refined/ abandoned- self corrective.
- AO1:structuralist approach (attempt to understand the structure and characteristics of the mind. empiricism- knowledge leant through experience. scientific. Introspection techniques.
- Behavourism
- AO1: Classical (Pavlovs dogs learn through association)- UCS-UCR, UCS+NS-UCR, CS-CR) and operant conditioning (Skinners rats- shaping behaviour through +ve and -ve reinforcement ie stop electric by behaviour)
- +ve AO3: Classical: lead to treatment of phobias- SD- illuminating learnt response
- -ve AO3: Classical: Not applicable to all species and species tend to find it harder to learn if not necessary for survival: smell= meat vs bell=meat
- +ve Operant: Skinner relied on experimental method- replicable (controlled) and C+E.Able to accurately measure the effects on rats behaviour.
- -ve AO3: Operant: Study on animals- not generalisable to humans. Humans have free will- not necessarily determined by =ve and -ve reinforcement. Skinner argued free will is an illusion- all behaviour a product of external influences.
- AO1: Classical (Pavlovs dogs learn through association)- UCS-UCR, UCS+NS-UCR, CS-CR) and operant conditioning (Skinners rats- shaping behaviour through +ve and -ve reinforcement ie stop electric by behaviour)
- Social learning
- AO1: vicarious learning- learning though observation. Imitation- observe reward (vicarious reinforcement identification)
- AO1: mediational processes: involved in vicarious learning
- 1. Attension- attension to a game
- 2. Retain- skills
- 3. Motorvated- see reward- expectation
- 4. Reproduce behaviour
- AO1: mediational processes: involved in vicarious learning
- AO1: vicarious learning- learning though observation. Imitation- observe reward (vicarious reinforcement identification)
- Cognitive
- AO1: Informational processing. Computer analogy- input to output.
- AO3: computers don't forget- emotion in humans. Eg- eye witness testimony
- AO1: Schemas template we hold to help us make sense of the world- interpret
- AO1: Explains how we interpret information
- Psychodynamic
- AO1: Psychosexual stages- Freud believed there were stages in development from birth- 10 yrs old which were important in adult personality. 5 stages. Eg stage 1 is 0-18 months
- Defense mechanisms: Repression(keeps disturbing or threatening thought from becoming conscious), denial(blocking external events from awareness), displacement (redirecting thoughts or feelings onto an unthreatening
- Oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital
- Structure of personality: The id (demanding), ego (balancing others) and superego (feels guilty)
- Role of the unconscious
- AO3 -ve: gender bias (only addressed male development- male Oedipus complex),
- Support: A pioneering approach. empirical approach)- used case studies.
- Support:research support- Greenburg support for existance of unconscious motorvation of behaviour +defense mechinisms
- AO1: Psychosexual stages- Freud believed there were stages in development from birth- 10 yrs old which were important in adult personality. 5 stages. Eg stage 1 is 0-18 months
- Biological
- AO1: Genetics
- AO1:Biological structures: Brain and neurons
- AO1: Neurochemistry- Hormones and neurotransmitters
- Humanistic
- AO1:Self actualisation-for fill potential.
- Maslows heirachy of needs
- All are capable of exercising control/ free will over life :. are all capable of achieving full potential -given appropriate circumstances
- Positivism approach- what is needed for optimum mental health
- Comparison of Approaches
- Scientific vs non scientific
- Determinism vs free will
- Nature vs Nurture
- whereas, on the other hand etc.
- Origins
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