character tree
- Created by: ViolaMaisey
- Created on: 21-05-17 15:56
View mindmap
- Antonio
- love>
- Bassanio
- friend
- Lorenzo
- in love
- gold digger
- spendthrift
- Salanio
- Lorenzo
- in love
- gold digger
- spendthrift
- Salerio
- Salarino
- Gratiano
- fool
- clown
- spontaneous
- love
- Nerissa
- report with Portia
- kind
- funny
- Nerissa
- Gratiano
- Salarino
- anti-semetic
- Lorenzo
- Salerio
- Salarino
- Gratiano
- fool
- clown
- spontaneous
- love
- Nerissa
- report with Portia
- kind
- funny
- Nerissa
- Gratiano
- Salarino
- Lorenzo
- headstrong
- deceitful
- romantic
- loyal
- honest
- *******
- love
- Portia
- lady in waiting
- Suitors
- Prince of Morocco
- Prince of Arragon
- saves his life
- Antonio
- love>
- Bassanio
- friend
- Salanio
- anti-semetic
- Salanio
- headstrong
- deceitful
- romantic
- loyal
- honest
- *******
- love
- Portia
- lady in waiting
- Suitors
- Prince of Morocco
- Prince of Arragon
- saves his life
- strong minded
- intelligent
- witty
- loyal to father
- independent
- good at arguing
- lady in waiting
- Portia
- friend
- Bassanio
- enemy//the bond
- Shylock
- daughter
- passionate
- jew
- bitter
- driven by hatred
- unmerciful
- revengeful
- Shylock
- rich
- christian
- merchant
- racist
- Bassanio's patron
- loyal friend
- love>
- Antonio
- strong minded
- intelligent
- witty
- loyal to father
- independent
- good at arguing
- lady in waiting
- Portia
- friend
- Bassanio
- enemy//the bond
- Shylock
- daughter
- passionate
- jew
- bitter
- driven by hatred
- unmerciful
- revengeful
- Shylock
- rich
- christian
- merchant
- racist
- Bassanio's patron
- loyal friend
- love>
- The Duke of Venice
- persuades him
- most powerful
- wealthy
- fair
- persuades him
- Jessica
- cruel
- spontaneous
- not accepted
- in love
- love
- Lancelot
- former servant
- new servant
- friend
- Jessica
- cruel
- spontaneous
- not accepted
- in love
- love
- Jessica
- comical
- clownish
- ordinary venetian
- former servant
- Gobbo
- father
- Lancelot
- former servant
- new servant
- friend
- comical
- clownish
- ordinary venetian
- former servant
- Lancelot
- blind
- easily confused
- father
- Tubal
- friend
- friend
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