Anti-school subcultures- Question A Mindmap
- Created by: Zmarston1
- Created on: 01-06-18 19:06
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- Anti-school subcultures
- Interactionists
- Wright: racist stereotypes led to black boys rejecting education and not respecting the teachers as they didn't respect them.
- If boys are viewed as failures, they can see this as a reflection of who they are and see education as failing them (SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY)
- Hargreaves: pupils labelled as naughty formed friendship with others who had the same label. They formed t a counter culture where you gained status from challenging teachers.
- New Right
- May see upbringing, socialisation and families creating an anti-school subculture
- A absence of father figures makes young boys vulnerable to peer pressure.
- SEWELL- AC boys
- The peer group may be where boys gain their identity- gangs etc..
- A.CAMERON also could be used.
- SUGARMAN- w/c boys attitudes reject education's
- Marxists
- Education system favours the higher classes (HABITUS)
- They can respond by rejecting a middle class system
- Working class kids see education as failing them and know they are destined to working class, poorly paid jobs.
- PAUL WILLIS: The 'Lads' rejecting school because they saw it is barrier between them and work.
- S.BALL; rejected education because they were streamed lower.
- Education system favours the higher classes (HABITUS)
- Explain what it is: the reversal of values and norms that education promotes, often linked with peer respect and identity.
- LINKS to boys most commonly- working class and Afro-Caribbean who have
higher rates of exclusion and appear less engaged in education
- Anti-school subcultures
- Interactionists
- Wright: racist stereotypes led to black boys rejecting education and not respecting the teachers as they didn't respect them.
- If boys are viewed as failures, they can see this as a reflection of who they are and see education as failing them (SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY)
- Hargreaves: pupils labelled as naughty formed friendship with others who had the same label. They formed t a counter culture where you gained status from challenging teachers.
- New Right
- May see upbringing, socialisation and families creating an anti-school subculture
- A absence of father figures makes young boys vulnerable to peer pressure.
- SEWELL- AC boys
- The peer group may be where boys gain their identity- gangs etc..
- A.CAMERON also could be used.
- SUGARMAN- w/c boys attitudes reject education's
- Marxists
- Education system favours the higher classes (HABITUS)
- They can respond by rejecting a middle class system
- Working class kids see education as failing them and know they are destined to working class, poorly paid jobs.
- PAUL WILLIS: The 'Lads' rejecting school because they saw it is barrier between them and work.
- S.BALL; rejected education because they were streamed lower.
- Education system favours the higher classes (HABITUS)
- Explain what it is: the reversal of values and norms that education promotes, often linked with peer respect and identity.
- LINKS to boys most commonly- working class and Afro-Caribbean who have
higher rates of exclusion and appear less engaged in education
- LINKS to boys most commonly- working class and Afro-Caribbean who have
higher rates of exclusion and appear less engaged in education
- Theories debate reasons!
- Interactionists
- Anti-school subcultures
- LINKS to boys most commonly- working class and Afro-Caribbean who have
higher rates of exclusion and appear less engaged in education
- Theories debate reasons!
- Interactionists
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