- Created by: Jasmin
- Created on: 15-05-13 15:57
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- Anschluss with Austria 1938
- Austrian people mainly German
- Austrian people supported union with Germany as economically weak
- Tried to take over in 1934 but Muss stopped him. No Hitler and Mussolini allies by 1936
- Strong Nazi party in Austria - Hitler encouraged Nazi to stir up trouble for gov
- Caused riots. Hitler told chancellor Schuschnigg only an Anschluss (political union) can sort this
- Schuschnigg asked for Br + Fr help but refused so did a plebiscite
- Hitler sent troops in March 1938
- Under watchful eye of Nazi troops 99.75% voted for Anschluss
- Austria's soldiers, weapons, rich deposits of gold/iron ore added to Germanys strong army and industry
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