Anomalistic Psychology (Part 3)
- Created by: Natalie
- Created on: 09-06-14 18:12
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- Anomalistic Psychology (3)
- Personality Factors
- Fantasy Proneness (FP)
- Tendency to become so deeply absorbed in a fantasy that it feels as if it is actually happening
- More likely to believe in the paranormal
- Wilson and Barber (1983)
- Compared 27 easily hypnotized vs 26 not
- Found easily hypnotized thought their toys had emotions, were more likely to be fantasy characters in play and were praised by adults for fantasy play
- As adults - spend more time fantasising during the day, experience fantasies as more real and claim to have psychic abilities and experience apparitions
- Wiseman (2003)
- Held a mock seance
- P's were aware it was fake but still believed the table had moved
- Those who believed it were more likely to be believers as they were more deeply absorbed
- Extroverts
- Outgoing and seek new experiences and more open to paranormal beliefs. Seek extra stimulation to increase brain arousal
- Peltzer (2002)
- Found extroversion was associated with paranormal beliefs but neuroticism and psychotism weren't
- Neuroticism
- Tendency to experience negative emotional states
- Paranormal beliefs may create a distance from reality as a defence mechanism to reduce negative emotional states
- Wiseman and Watt (2004)
- Questionnaires on neuroticism and paranormal belief
- Found a strong correlation but only on beliefs relating to bad luck
- Neuroticism does not explain all paranormal beliefs
- Williams
- Correlation of +0.32 between neuroticism and paranormal belief - no correlation with extroversion
- Shows further research is needed
- Honorton
- Meta-analysis of 60 studies
- Found positive correlation between ESP performance and extroversion
- Explanation: extroverts are more confident in new situations and are more open to paranormal experiences which increases their belief and the amount of information they give
- Williams
- Correlation of +0.32 between neuroticism and paranormal belief - no correlation with extroversion
- Neuroticism
- Tendency to experience negative emotional states
- Paranormal beliefs may create a distance from reality as a defence mechanism to reduce negative emotional states
- Wiseman and Watt (2004)
- Questionnaires on neuroticism and paranormal belief
- Found a strong correlation but only on beliefs relating to bad luck
- Neuroticism does not explain all paranormal beliefs
- Personality is complex
- Different personality factors could be associated with different areas
- Correlations found between personality factors and paranormal beliefs depend largely on how personality factors are measured
- Fantasy Proneness (FP)
- Personality Factors
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