Anomalistic psychology
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- Created by: Fi Wil
- Created on: 06-06-14 11:17
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- Anomalistic Psychology
- Study of anomalous experiences
- Pseudosci
- 1-Field of study that masquarades as a science. Irreuftable hyp. Jel phenom Vs Occams razor, Burden of proof, Lacks peer theory proof. 2- Psychodynam: Yes no (word of mouth) Harm: A lot of value, no scientif proof- Imp Acupuncture.
- Soal affair:1035/1 to SEP fraud later found. Rine- dishonest research:tampered equip, Carl sar- Gnazfeld: suspic=left. Uri Gel-rine=fraud.2-Mendel,newton fraud? Soal- no admitt 4s+ 5s high no. Rhine- no ident resea=dangerous? Searge: results repl but poor.
- ESP- Telepathy +clarevoyanc precognition, ganzfel-38% hornton telepathy, 2-Lacks reliability:researcher bias, file drawer, sheep goat
- PK-Macro:visible-levitation Micro: Influences (mind) Batchedlor-openly faked PK. John:coin flip-influenced by emotions. 2- Macro: rhandi- project alpha hoax. Wiseman:sitll believe if told fake. Micro PK- untest, no control
- Pseudosci
- Factors underlying anomalous experiences
- 1- High levels of dopamine- direct rewar, Genes-MZ twins more DZ, Brain:wisema righHand brain, More brainchem brain 2-brugger, individ diff, very little evidence.
- 1-Fantasy, intelligence, gray:syllogistic levels low=believe. 2-New scien: 67%believe ESP Linderman diff types intelligence exist.
- functions of paranormal + rela beliefs
- Psych-defence mecha, diff childhood leads to belief/once more act as adult. religousity-freud:more likely to believe in-freud. Creduility; minimal evidence, but better to survive.2-UFO not explain religioned. science as a religion?
- Imagination:unity across cult, transcedental level 100,000 years- rituals come out. wilson: links humans via bonding. provides competitive edge 2-allele adapt, belief notselected: alleles hierachy. Karl marx- rleigion keeps groups rather than relifion.
- deception, self-decep, supersti,coincedence
- 1-adaptive feature, no aggression. machiavalian intelligence (frauds use a lot) 2- theory of mind to help. large money made by others-suicide results?
- 1-Denying evidence. evolutionary:decieve yourself=believe more. psychodyn-conciously believe, unconsciously not. emotions 2-psycho helps to make them unaware of what doing?
- Skinners-superstious pigeons, beliefs=operationalised thinking. evolutionary:make type 1 error. 2-simmelburg: bird no associa as act same before. snchur: fully exp supersti, cultur:lucky symbols
- 1- Ayeroff: people seek exp as gives them feeling of control/power probability misjudgemen2-gamblers fallacy. 50:50 coin likely to happen?
- Untitled
- Belief in exceptional exp
- Psych healing: wrth-prayer more= pregnant women. Lyvers- no-one physical but mental heal. 2-wrth failed rep +contact. long-repeat rosa: heat off of hand. Belief: temp heal higehr relapse rate.
- 1-Keen: materials fly, voices heard. Schwartz-87%mediums corrext? Mediums, pick up response, use later in conversats 2-Barnum effects:O`keef "I see death". believe to keep in touch with loved ones.
- 1- Green:20% parasomatic,28%stressed 12%sleep. artific: alavadaro:results weak 1 lady read 3 digits. epilepsy link. 2-Lacks theory, Induced OOBE= phys fear, Individ diff- skeptic unlikely, Hindu cult more often.
- 1-Fox-20% Heart attack survivors, Children more common-reli? Nat: 60%peace, 33%OOBE25%tunnel Artifi:Ketamin Hypoxia neuronal death. 2-Van lommel: spiritual change life. Car:Alt endorphemins, NDE induced, Nelson- REM intrusion?
- Study of anomalous experiences
- functions of paranormal + rela beliefs
- Psych-defence mecha, diff childhood leads to belief/once more act as adult. religousity-freud:more likely to believe in-freud. Creduility; minimal evidence, but better to survive.2-UFO not explain religioned. science as a religion?
- Imagination:unity across cult, transcedental level 100,000 years- rituals come out. wilson: links humans via bonding. provides competitive edge 2-allele adapt, belief notselected: alleles hierachy. Karl marx- rleigion keeps groups rather than relifion.
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