Anomalistic Psychology - Summary of topics
- Created by: Megan_Parkinson.
- Created on: 22-10-15 14:43
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- Anomalistic Psychology: The study of paranormal experience.
- Is it a Science?
- Scientific Method
- Objective
- Theory Construction
- Falsifiable
- Peer Review
- Testing Paranormal Claims
- Meta-Analysis (ESP)
- Ganzfeld Technique (ESP)
- Method. Issues:
- Meta-Analysis (ESP)
- Researcher / Participant Bias
- Poor Control / Sensory Leakage
- File Drawer Effect
- Method. Issues:
- PK testing (Micro-PK)
- Method. Issues:
- Researcher / Participant Bias
- Poor Control / Sensory Leakage
- File Drawer Effect
- Method. Issues:
- Scientific Method
- Why do People Believe?
- Superstition & Magical Thinking
- Cognitive Biases
- Personality Factors
- Imagination
- Superstition & Magical Thinking
- What does research tell us?
- Psychic Mediumship
- Biological
- Cognitive
- Psychic Healing
- Kreiger
- Emily Rosa
- Grad
- Keller & Bzdek
- Near Death Experiences
- Blackmore
- Jansen
- Morgan et al.
- Out of Body Experiences
- Biological Approach - Blanke
- Cognitive Approach - Cooke & Irwin
- Personality Factors - Parra
- Psychic Mediumship
- Is it a Science?
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