Angevin Kenilworth
- Created by: cpoppy
- Created on: 02-06-18 16:44
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- Angevin Kenilworth
- King John
- Unpopular king
- Took throne from Richard I - who was fighting crusades at the time
- Lost large areas of France that England owned in 1204
- Forced to sign magna carta by barons in 1215
- Wanted Kenilworth to be defensive
- Excommunica-ted by the pope in 1209 for his erratic behaviour
- Used crossbows against the pope's will
- Alterations
- Added trebuchets and siege weapons in walls for defence
- Spent around £1100 on defence improvements
- Curtain walls added on outer side
- Defensive towers such as Lunn's tower and Mortimer's tower (gatehouse) were built
- Thickened existing walls for extra protection from burrowing and tunnelling in sieges
- Mere built for defence on one side of the castle
- Fishtail arrow loops built for defence
- Siege of Kenilworth
- Put into ownership of Simon De Montfort
- De Montfort's followers retreated there after royal attacks in June of 1266
- Siege lasted 179 days, longest in British history
- ended in December 1266. Only surrendered when disease broke out.
- Fortifications os good that Edward the confessor used the techniques in his castles in Wales and Scotland
- King John
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