American West
- Created by: 094152
- Created on: 24-03-14 19:57
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- American West...
- The Great Plains
- Terrain
- Black Hills
- Rocky Mountains
- Long ,thick Prairie grass
- Animals
- Rivers and streams
- Railroads
- Untitled
- Terrain
- Plains Indians
- Buffalo
- Shelter
- Food
- Weapons
- Polygamy-Had more than one wife
- Scared Land
- Nomadic
- Traditions & Religious Belief
- Ceremonies
- Sun Dance
- Visions
- Circles
- Ceremonies
- They were put in reservations by the white settlers.
- Men hunted the Buffalos and women stayed int he tipi.
- Tipi
- Normadic
- Buffalo
- White Settlers
- They wanted to settle on the plains and they thought that the Indians prevented this therefore they enforced reservations upon them.
- They wanted to settle on the Plains.
- Gold
- Land
- The White Settlers thought the Indians were Savages,uncivilized and sinful.
- Homesteaders
- Homestead Act
- 60 acres of land and they were able to own it for 5 year.
- People from East moved to the West
- Farming opportunities
- Overpopulation in the West and this was a great opportunity for ownership of land and space.
- Homestead Act
- Mormons
- The Great Plains
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