amateurism and professionalism
- Created by: chloeelise11111
- Created on: 06-10-21 00:03
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- amateur definition
- a person who plays sport for the love of it and receives no financial gain
- Amateurism and Profesionalism
- amateur values
- appreciate value of health and fitness
- appriciaate value of regulated activity
- high moral integrity
- amateur characteristic
- being a respected member of society with a public school background
- high sport status
- belonging to social elite
- character building
- positive impact of amateurism
- held a high status that professionali-sm
- code of ameaturisum was based on playing set rules
- code of ethics
- belonging to the social elite
- participation more important than wining
- the 'all rounder' was viewed with a high regard
- were 'elite' performers
- new middle class admired cultural values of them
- profsionalismdefiniton
- a person who plays sport for a financial gain
- usually the working class
- profesionalim values and characteristic
- working class
- poor
- very little free time
- due to long working hours
- commuted to train and perform as well as possible
- trained
- low morality
- paid by results
- positive impacts of profesionalm
- broken time payments
- improved standards
- aided social mobility
- determinati- to succeed
- modern day amateur
- lost status and power
- equal opportunity
- now lower statue
- not all sport professionals
- open to all
- positives
- fair play
- viewed positively
- morden day professional
- any class
- respected for talents
- more time to train
- more media coverage
- increased financial reward
- amateur values
- usually a member of the upper class
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