aims hypotheses
- Created by: cieran32
- Created on: 14-10-18 21:22
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- Aims and Hypotheses
- non-directional
- non-directional would predict a difference but not which will do better or worse
- Alternative hypothesis
- If data forces you to reject your null hypothesis then accept your alternative hypothesis
- if null hypothesis is two variables aren't linked then alternative is they are
- Null hypothesis
- Is what you're going to assume is true during the study. Data collected will either back this assumption up or it won't.
- if data doesn't support null hypothesis, you reject it and go with the alternative.
- Is what you're going to assume is true during the study. Data collected will either back this assumption up or it won't.
- Although the aim states the purpose of a study it isn't usually precise enough to test what is needed- the hypotheses states a prediction
- directional hypothesis
- suggest which way the results will go - one thing will do better/worse than the other
- non-directional
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