Aggession mindmap
- Created by: jamie ingrouille
- Created on: 10-05-13 12:19
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- Aggression
- Theories of aggression
- Instinct
- Born with aggressive tendencies and is constantly generated
- Innate, inherited
- Born with aggressive tendencies and is constantly generated
- Social Learning
- Behaviour is copied from significant others, nutured by the enviroment
- Aggression cue
- Frustration creates 'readiness'
- Enviromental cue triggers agressive gene
- Presence of cue - increase chance of aggression
- Enviromental cue triggers agressive gene
- Frustration creates 'readiness'
- Frustration aggression
- Goal directed behaviour is blocked
- Frustration is developed and aggression may result
- Agression is succesful - cathartic reaction
- Unsuccessful - frustration
- Agression is succesful - cathartic reaction
- Frustration is developed and aggression may result
- Goal directed behaviour is blocked
- Instinct
- Types of aggression
- Assertive
- Prime motive is to perform the skill succesully- within laws of the game
- Hostile
- Prime motive is to harm an opponent to inflict injury - violate rules of game
- Assertive
- Antecedents
- Percieved/actual unfairness
- Nature of game
- Frustration
- Pressure to win
- Hostile crowd
- Elimination
- Cognitive
- Count to ten
- Reasoning
- Imagery
- Mental rehersal
- Somatic
- Biofeedback
- Measurements of physical changes
- Performer can control the physiological effects
- Measurements of physical changes
- Increase tension of muscles throughout body
- Relax in turn
- Increase tension of muscles throughout body
- Biofeedback
- Cognitive
- Theories of aggression
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