- Created by: AmberA
- Created on: 26-04-16 10:13
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- Aggression
- Hostile
- The prime motive of hostile aggression is to harm an opponent
- This type of aggression needs to be eliminated from sport
- Aggressive players disrupt the team's performance and spoil team cohesion
- Aggressive actions violate the rules of any game
- Assertion
- Assertive behaviour doesn't attempt to harm and is strictly within the rules and spirit of the game
- Also known as channelled aggression and is described as non-hostile self-protective mastery behaviour
- Assertion often involves forceful play, focused on completing the skill correctly
- Major aim is the successful completion of the task
- Theories
- Social Learning Theory
- Proposed by Bandura, aggression is not genetically inherited but is nurtured through environmental forces
- Aggression can be learned by watching and copying from role models and aggression is likely to occur if part of social and cultural norms of a group
- Instinict
- Proposed by Freud and it suggests that aggression is genetically inherited; a trait of violence lies within everyone
- Frustration aggression hypothesis
- Proposed by Dollard. It is an interactionist thoery which involves an environmental circumstance stimulating a personality gener
- Frustration develops when goal directed behaviour is blocked and frustration triggers the aggressive gene
- Aggression cue hypothesis
- Proposed by Berkowitz and is a second interactionist perspective
- Frustration creates a 'readiness' for aggression which is only triggered when a provocative environmental cue is present
- Aggressive cues such as perceived unfairness, the opposition shirt will trigger aggression in sport if arousal amongst participants is high
- Social Learning Theory
- Eliminating aggression
- Cognitive: to do with thought processes
- Forgetting
- Mental rehearsal
- Reasoning
- Imagery
- Counting
- Somatic: involves physiological strategies
- Progressive relaxation techniques
- Walking away
- Breathing exercises
- Biofeedback
- Cognitive: to do with thought processes
- Hostile
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