- Created by: laurend28
- Created on: 05-06-16 17:18
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- Africa
- Some facts!
- Largest City= Cairo, Egypt with 9.2 million people
- Largest country= Algeria which is 2.382km(squared)
- Longest river= Nile which is 4,160 miles long
- Largest Lake= Victoria which is 26,828
- Ghana
- Some facts
- There are 27 registered banks
- 30% is in poverty
- Climate is 21-32C all year
- 23 national parks
- Savanna biome is north ghana
- Produces diamonds
- 62% of people work in rural areas
- GDP= Growth domestic product, money made in a country in one year
- GDP per captia= GDP divided by number of people
- Development Indicator= Tells you how developed a country is
- HDI= Human Development Index
- Some facts
- Africa is the poorest continent
- MEDC= More economically developed countries
- LEDC= Less economically developed countries
- LICS=Low income countries
- HICS= High income countries
- Urban areas
- No safe water
- No access to proper roads
- Poor structural quality of housing
- Over crowded
- Some facts!
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