- Created by: Noorulian
- Created on: 27-03-14 19:36
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- Adaptations
- Organisms have survived in different environments because they have adapted to them.
- Polar Bears
- Large Fur surface area to keep themselves insulated.
- Thick Layer to keep energy stored
- Thick hairy coats- keep heat in, and greasy fur sheds water- to prevent cooling.
- Artic animals
- White fur to avoid predators and keep camouflaged
- Polar Bears
- Desert Animals
- Large surface area- lets animals loose more heat- stops them from over heating.
- Efficient with water- Lose less water and make very little sweat.
- Good in hot conditions- thin layers of body fat and a thin coat.
- Comouflage- sandy colour to hide from predators.
- Desert Plants
- Small surface area- Lose Less water.
- Water storage tissues- Cactus store water in their thick stem.
- Maximising water absorption- Absorb water quickly and have deep roots to get underground water.
- Organisms have survived in different environments because they have adapted to them.
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