Act 1 Scene 9
- Created by: emily_w
- Created on: 03-06-15 10:41
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- Act 1 Scene 9
- Context
- Religious Context
- A joke is made at the expense of the Puritans
- "loves cater-wauling better than a conventicle" (religious dissenter)
- Witwoud makes a religious joke at the expense of Lady Wishfort, who later turns out to be a Puritan
- "You know [Wishfort] hates Mirabell like a quaker hates a parrot"
- A joke is made at the expense of the Puritans
- Religious Context
- Linguistic/ Grammatical devices
- Sentence functions
- Mirabell repeats Petulant's name for a word he can't remember, using an exclamative to mock him
- "What-d'ee-call-'ems!"
- Mirabell repeats Petulant's name for a word he can't remember, using an exclamative to mock him
- Terms of Address
- Mirabell uses names of other characters to draw them into conversation and continue mocking Petulant
- "What are they, Witwoud?"
- Mirabell uses names of other characters to draw them into conversation and continue mocking Petulant
- Idiolect
- Witwoud has a feminine idiolect due to his use of terms of endearment, so he fits the stock character of a fop
- "Empresses, my dear."
- Witwoud has a feminine idiolect due to his use of terms of endearment, so he fits the stock character of a fop
- Lexical Feilds
- Mirabell uses contrasting lexis to express his disdain for Witwoud and Petulant
- "ladies" and "countenanc-e" vs "senseless" and "roar"
- Mirabell uses contrasting lexis to express his disdain for Witwoud and Petulant
- Sentence functions
- Theoretical Concepts
- Literary Devices
- Sound patterning
- Mirabell uses a set of plosives. May show anger-- Fainall just reminded him that Petulant flirts with Millamant
- "Your impudent pretensions"
- Mirabell uses a set of plosives. May show anger-- Fainall just reminded him that Petulant flirts with Millamant
- Sound patterning
- Spoken Language Features
- Oaths and swearing
- Petulant uses a blasphemic expression to intensify his irritation at being called on
- "'Sbud"
- Petulant uses a blasphemic expression to intensify his irritation at being called on
- Non-fluency features
- Petulant stutters when trying to think of a word, showing how he is not as eloquent as Mirabell
- "your--a--a--your what-d'ee-call-'ems"
- Petulant stutters when trying to think of a word, showing how he is not as eloquent as Mirabell
- Register
- After he's reminded about Petulant flirting with Millamant, Mirabell's register is more formal. May express anger and jealousy
- "Meaning mine, sir?"
- "Thou art an honest fellow, Petulant."
- "Hast not thou then sense enough to know that thou ought'st to be most ashamed of thyself when thou hast put another out of countenanc-e?"
- Mirabell's shift in register after Millamant is mentioned could be to intimidate Petulant, who is not as intelligent
- "Come, thou art an honest fellow, Petulant, and shalt make love to my mistress, thou shalt."
- After he's reminded about Petulant flirting with Millamant, Mirabell's register is more formal. May express anger and jealousy
- Oaths and swearing
- Rhetorical Devices
- Repetition
- Petulant uses repetition to express his "irritation"
- "Well, well, I come"
- "I won't come. D'ye hear, tell 'em I won't come"
- Witwoud uses repetition to sound dismissive
- "Pshaw, pshaw."
- Petulant uses repetition to express his "irritation"
- Repetition
- Form/Genre
- Sexually explicit
- Petulant uses vulgar, sexual humour, which is typical of the Restoration genre
- "A man had as good be a professed midwife as a professed whoremaster"
- Petulant uses vulgar, sexual humour, which is typical of the Restoration genre
- Sexually explicit
- Structure
- Fainall mocks Petulant by saying he is cruel, but this scene is after the audience find out Petulant calls on himself, so it would be funny
- "You are very cruel, Petulant"
- Scene is immediately after Witwoud reveals Petulant's secret. Petulant still tries to fit into rake stock character. Dramatic irony for humour
- Fainall mocks Petulant by saying he is cruel, but this scene is after the audience find out Petulant calls on himself, so it would be funny
- Themes
- Context
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